Monday, November 21, 2005

samsung c100 handset

I m using samsung c100 handset, on this handset internet is access, i connect my infra usb device and infra mobile. Both
infra connection is displays on my taskbar, but modem is communicate. What is the problem, plz send me replay.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Mtnl is not prepared for competition

Applied for broadband connection with mtnl.Now 13 days are gone by and still counting !!!! Mtnl is not prepared for
competition and will finally sink. Reliance will gobble them up. But nobody is going to even shed a tear - not in least me

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Indian Babus

After having interacted with people in both the govt and private sector in India, I think the telecom dept has broken away from their old stereotype in the last few years, the rates have dropped and all said and done, please realise that they run something about as big as the Indian railways and are a major source of employment to a lot of people, who (other than the Babus who I have no doubts can get the best jobs elsewhere) would have to struggle with employment problems.

Whatever one might say I think the “Indian Babus” have done a great job in helping the way Telecom has changed in India.

I just hope people in the Power sector can do something similar.